GET System

GET System – Exoskeleton

ProGETonE interventions have been designed to increase the resistance of the building as a whole and secondarily to reduce locally the remaining vulnerabilities, minimizing or avoiding interventions that are not convenient and extremely invasive if applied extensively.

For this purpose, solutions have been proposed that foresee the application of a steel structure with portals on the main sides of the building connected to the existing concrete structure (pillars and beams) at the nodes and equipped with bracing systems. The GET System introduces an efficient rigidity for the steel structure, does not burden the existing structure with vertical loads, but increases the resistance of the latter to horizontal actions with the consequent reduction of displacements.

The standard solution can reach up to 40% improvement of seismic safety compared to the existing structure. For specific cases (like ProGETonE pilot in Athens), a 100% improvement can be reached by topological interventions performed additionally on to reinforce the existing structure.

GET System – Abacus (architectural façade components)

ProGETonE has developed also an abacus of potential architectural façade solutions compatible with the whole GET System. The abacus showcases the volumetric additions of selected innovative energy and environmental technologies considering user satisfaction, building quality, aesthetics, and internal functionality in modifications that are attractive and functional for the final customers – users (multi-benefit approach). This is therefore one of the main design tools for planners and professionals involved in the GET process.

Different detailed simulations have been performed in order to identify the most appropriate retrofitting actions to achieve energy consumption’s reduction in existing building blocks and then, the resulting façade modules have also been studied according the main structural frame (exoskeleton) and the residential units’ utilities providing an output of possible components for each building unit.

GET System – TG Box  &  TG Beam (Integrated HVAC façade components)

TG-Box & TG-BEAM are standalone architectural components specially designed for energy retrofitting of existing buildings. They combine all the individual connections (new piping, ventilation ducts & electrical wiring) in a single integrated solution that can be seamlessly integrated in the high efficiency insulation layer of the refurbished building.

This technology consists of a suitably insulated “box”, which can be installed in correspondence with the existing external wall. The principle of integration reduces the connections between existing structures and new components, and defines sealing and insulation work to one geometrical defined line around the box.

TG-Box and TG-Beam provide optimization of the plant envelope system in order to achieve the “nearly zero energy building” objectives. This approach aims at the replacement of existing HVAC systems with systems that exploit both centralized and autonomous renewable sources, including photovoltaics, heat pumps, and the renewal of hydronic and electrical networks with plug-play solutions that limit installation costs and inconvenience to users.

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